Can You Teach Yourself Krav Maga?
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

Can You Teach Yourself Krav Maga?

As Krav Maga continues to gain popularity, people are increasingly curious—is it possible to teach yourself the basics of this self-defense system through practice at home?

The short answer: yes, you can teach yourself Krav Maga…but there are some very important caveats.

In the age of the internet, where we’re always just a few clicks away from apparently endless how-to articles and blog posts, it often makes sense to tackle new skills on our own. A quick online search will reveal a wealth of resources aimed at helping beginners learn the basics of Krav Maga.

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Three Krav Maga Techniques That Everyone Should Know
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

Three Krav Maga Techniques That Everyone Should Know

When you are training in self-defense and martial arts there’s inevitably going to be a time that someone asks you something along the lines of, “Can you show me some Krav Maga?” or “What’s the best Krav Maga move?”. These sorts of inquires seem to come from both curiosity and doubt and it can be both amusing and, at the same time, frustrating to show someone or to demonstrate techniques to someone who is not genuinely interested in what you are doing.

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3 easy ways to improve your self-defense skills.
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

3 easy ways to improve your self-defense skills.

Learning and developing self-defense skills is a process that takes time. Like any new skill. Further, just like any new skill some people develop certain skills faster for certain reasons. There’s nothing wrong with developing a long a bit of a slower timeline than others. Ultimately self-defense training is not a race. You aren’t competing with anyone. You are taking steps to improve your quality of life.

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Is Krav Maga Good for MMA Training?
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

Is Krav Maga Good for MMA Training?

Does Krav Maga work with MMA training? Even if you think it’s a cut-and-dried question, there are a lot of nuances involved with blending the two that you may not have considered. Before you try to bring your Krav Maga skills with you into the Octagon, read our guide to find out if the two go together like peanut butter and jelly, or Conor McGregor and anger management classes.

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What You Need to Know About the Levels of Krav Maga
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

What You Need to Know About the Levels of Krav Maga

Looking to kick things up a notch with your Krav Maga training? Consider training to hit the next level of Krav Maga. Level training usually takes on the form of working to achieve that next belt. Working to achieve the next level is highly dependent on how far along you are in your training. Here’s what you need to know about the levels of Krav Maga.

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Six must watch videos for better Krav Maga
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

Six must watch videos for better Krav Maga

The Krav Maga Worldwide® self-defense system was designed to be easy to learn and to teach people to become effective at self-defense in a short period of time. The system is much broader and in-depth than what can be covered in just six videos. These six videos deal with common mistakes that instructors see in particular when teaching these important techniques. Incorporating the “fix-it tips”and pointers into your training will help you improve your overall level of effectiveness in Krav Maga Worldwide® self-defense.

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Krav Maga and Diet & Diet Recommendations for Krav Maga Students
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

Krav Maga and Diet & Diet Recommendations for Krav Maga Students

There’s no getting around it: In today’s world, there’s a lot of fretting about what to eat and how much to eat. Sometimes, with specific lifestyles and practices in play, the questions can become even trickier. People ask us all the time: is there a “krav maga diet” that works best for the rigorous training that comes with the practice?

The answer is yes and no. While there are definitely things you can consume and choices you can make to let your body work better with the training, the simple fact is that there’s no prescribed system that works for everybody when it comes to what you should eat over the course of your conditioning. That said, here are some easy rules you can stick to if you want to get the most out of your training.

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Self Defense Techniques for Men That Align with Our Fitness and Health Goals
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

Self Defense Techniques for Men That Align with Our Fitness and Health Goals

Self-defense methods like Krav Maga may not be everyone’s go-to workout, but there are plenty of reasons why it should be! Krav Maga’s original intent was to be a military level hand-to-hand combat program. It was then converted into a form of self-defense for civilians as a way to defend people against real world attackers. However, a welcome byproduct of dedicated Krav Maga practice is a vigorous, full-body workout. Many Krav Maga self defense techniques for men can also be productive exercises that will work seamlessly into your devoted fitness program.

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Krav Maga Ranks from Beginner to Expert
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

Krav Maga Ranks from Beginner to Expert

Krav Maga can be intimidating for anyone when they first begin practicing, but no one expects you to be world-class right off the bat. At Krav Maga Worldwide, our students practice at different levels, or ranks of Krav Maga, that let you know where you stand with your proficiency.

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Krav Maga Training For Senior Citizens
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

Krav Maga Training For Senior Citizens

Krav Maga training is the perfect system for senior citizens. Krav Maga by design is easy to learn, easy to remember, and practitioners don’t have to be physically dominant in order to be successful in utilizing Krav Maga. Senior citizens who might not have the physical abilities they once had are exactly the type of person whom Imi envisioned benefiting from Krav Maga training. There are many benefits to Krav Maga training for every person and for seniors some of the major benefits are enhanced personal safety, an overall improvement in health and fitness, increased confidence and energy, and engagement with an incredibly strong community.

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The Best Way To Learn Real Krav Maga Online
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

The Best Way To Learn Real Krav Maga Online

https://www.kravmagaworldwideacademy.comThe Krav Maga Worldwide online Academy is the best resource and the best way to learn Krav Maga online. Online self-defense classes let you train with a certified Krav Maga Worldwide instructor anywhere and anytime that is convenient for you.

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Easy Situational Awareness tips to keep you safe.
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

Easy Situational Awareness tips to keep you safe.

Situational awareness is an essential skill to develop for self-defense. Ask any Krav Maga Worldwide certified instructor and they’ll tell you how important it is. The only way to 100% guarantee that you won’t get hurt in a fight or assault is to not be involved in one. The Krav Maga Worldwide self-defense system stresses avoiding and deescalating conflicts whenever possible.

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Self-Defense Weapons - The Role of Weapons in Krav Maga
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

Self-Defense Weapons - The Role of Weapons in Krav Maga

Krav Maga is not a martial art, but rather a practical system that prioritizes self-defense over other objectives such as gracefulness or flexibility. That said, one of the key Krav Maga principles is to use any weapon at your disposal to survive an attack and to escape. This includes weapons you take away from your opponent and use against them, or even a weapon that happens to be within reach when you suddenly find yourself under attack.

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Krav Maga vs. Muay Thai
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

Krav Maga vs. Muay Thai

When looking at Krav Maga vs Muay Thai, there are both similarities and key differences that are immediately apparent. Muay Thai –– also referred to as Thai boxing –– is a popular martial art that relies primarily on striking opponents both at distance and in close quarters. Krav Maga, on the other hand, is a self defense system built on brutal efficiency which borrows techniques from martial arts. Both of these styles have soared in popularity in recent years, and the right choice for your training ultimately depends on your personal goals.

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7 Ways to Improve Your Situational Awareness
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

7 Ways to Improve Your Situational Awareness

If you want to make the most of your Krav Maga training, you have to start by improving your situational awareness. In other words, you have to hone your ability to be fully aware of your surroundings at all times, allowing you to react effectively if a dangerous situation were to arise -- and in many cases, allowing you to remove yourself from such situations in the first place.

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Weapons Defenses – What You Need To Know To Save Your Life.
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

Weapons Defenses – What You Need To Know To Save Your Life.

Defending against armed attackers and training weapons defenses are a major element of Krav Maga Worldwide self-defense training. Krav Maga Worldwide self-defense is a system that was originally developed for training military units. The need to understand weapons training and defense against armed attackers is in our roots.

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4 Krav Maga Training Exercises You Can Practice at Home
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

4 Krav Maga Training Exercises You Can Practice at Home

Adults live busier lives than ever, and sometimes you just can’t make it in for your Krav Maga training exercises and instruction. It happens. That doesn’t mean you have to let your skills languish, however. With a little space and some dedication, you can stay sharp by training in your Krav Maga fundamentals at home.

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The Best Way To Learn To Fight For Self-Defense.
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

The Best Way To Learn To Fight For Self-Defense.

The best way to learn to fight for self-defense might be different than what a large population might think or really understand. The term “fighting” is feared by some people, it’s confusing to some people, and yet it’s glorified and exciting to others. The ability to “fight” is going to be different for each and every person.

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