Krav Maga, originally developed in Israel, is the official system of hand-to-hand combat employed by the Israeli Defense Forces, the Israeli National and Military Police, as well as Israeli Special Operations and Security Units. Krav Maga offers an effective and aggressive style of fighting for the military. However, because of our experience with use-of-force, we have extensive knowledge of tactics using less lethal force. This type of training is critical with the current deployment of military and security personnel on law enforcement and peacekeeping missions. Keenly aware of use-of-force issues, the Force Training Division has experience in training some of the top law enforcement, security and military units in the United States.

Krav Maga is a unique self-defense program designed for use in both law enforcement and military special operations contexts. 

The Krav Maga system provides solutions to a multiplicity of armed and unarmed threats to law enforcement and military personnel. Krav Maga is a modern, reality-based method of training. The Krav Maga defensive tactics training is characterized by a logical and progressive approach to learning that results in a highly effective, easy to learn, natural and practical method of defensive tactics for real life violent encounters.

Krav Maga emerged in an environment where extreme violence, mostly of a political nature, was common. It has had ample opportunity to be tested and improved under real-life conditions, proving itself to be an ideal means of defending oneself in the face of life-threatening danger. No defensive tactics system in the world is more street and battle-tested than Krav Maga.

what makes krav maga different

Krav Maga is not another defensive tactics system based on traditional martial arts approaches. It is a modern, reality-based method of training characterized by coherent and logical thinking that builds up easy, natural and practical techniques featuring simple movements of the human body. Because the Krav Maga system is well- integrated, common defensive principles apply to a variety of attack scenarios. Thus, the system can be learned in a relatively short period of instruction. Also, the techniques are easy to retain and can be performed under stress.

Krav Maga Worldwide Force Training Division

The Krav Maga Worldwide, Inc. Force Training Division is dedicated to the advancement of defensive tactics for Law Enforcement, Military and Security Units. Our mission is to provide the best training to the protectors of our communities. The program is constantly evolving by looking at new methods of attack and getting real time feedback from the field.

The Krav Maga Worldwide Force Training Division has received numerous awards and has been recognized on multiple occasions for exceptional service, professionalism, performance, and commitment to mission accomplishment.

The Krav Maga Worldwide Force Training Division has directly contributed to the mobilization and deployment of personnel in support of operations all over the world; including (but not limited to): Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kuwait, and the Sinai Peninsula. We have mobile training teams that travel to provide training and currently support over 9000 US Military, security, and law enforcement Instructors around the world.


  • Our combatives training utilizes unique training methods. These methods are designed to develop the ability to go from a passive state to an aggressive state without hesitation. This involves training under extreme stress in order to test one’s ability to complete a given task while being interfered with by a third party, while their attention is distracted/divided and while suffering from other stimuli, including confined space and fatigue.

  • Personal Tactics and Self-Defense includes defensive tactics against the most common and frequently used grabs, chokes and headlocks; standing and on the ground.

  • We teach defensive measures to disarm and neutralize an assailant who is armed, posing an imminent threat with a handgun, long gun, edged weapon, or blunt object.

  • Arrest and control tactics include arm controls, escorts, takedowns, searching, handcuffing and team tactics.

  • Handgun retention training includes in the holster, out of the holster, standing, and on the ground.

  • Our weapon retention training involves combatives for Long Gun and Sub-Machine Gun.

  • Third Party Protection concepts include defenses against assassination attempts and hostage rescue.

  • We offer training in full gear and in adverse conditions, utilizing environmental obstacles to reinforce the training.


We have mobile training teams that will travel worldwide to provide private training for US Military and Law Enforcement.


We recognize that each unit/agency has a unique mission and may work with different equipment and in different environments. We would be honored to customize a program to meet your needs.


Seminars (end-user training) and Instructor Certification Courses are available.