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Learn more about our training centers, then explore our interactive map below to find a training center near you! Need more help? Don't hesitate to get in touch.
REgional centers
Regional Training Centers serve as regional headquarters for Krav Maga Worldwide. These centers meet all Licensed Training Center standards but also act as hubs for instructor certification courses and advanced training opportunities. They play a pivotal role in supporting Krav Maga instructors and students within their region, providing access to elite training and events.
licensed centers
Licensed Training Centers feature Krav Maga Worldwide-certified instructors who have successfully completed at least one instructor certification course. These centers offer comprehensive Krav Maga programs and hold exclusive licensing rights within their local territory, ensuring quality instruction and the authenticity of the Krav Maga experience.
Reservations are individuals that have secured the first right to a Krav Maga Worldwide license within a specific territory. These provide an opportunity to engage in our instructor development program. Once certification is achieved, they can transition into full Licensed Training Programs.
FIND A kmw licensed school
Search your location to find the training center nearest you. Please reach out to us via the contact form below if you are in need of any assistance, or are interested in joining our team of licensed locations.

unlock the full training experience!
What makes Krav Maga unique
Tips for finding the perfect training center
A sneak peek into your first class
Plus, how to get started with free training!