Three Krav Maga Techniques That Everyone Should Know
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

Three Krav Maga Techniques That Everyone Should Know

When you are training in self-defense and martial arts there’s inevitably going to be a time that someone asks you something along the lines of, “Can you show me some Krav Maga?” or “What’s the best Krav Maga move?”. These sorts of inquires seem to come from both curiosity and doubt and it can be both amusing and, at the same time, frustrating to show someone or to demonstrate techniques to someone who is not genuinely interested in what you are doing.

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Self-Defense Weapons - The Role of Weapons in Krav Maga
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

Self-Defense Weapons - The Role of Weapons in Krav Maga

Krav Maga is not a martial art, but rather a practical system that prioritizes self-defense over other objectives such as gracefulness or flexibility. That said, one of the key Krav Maga principles is to use any weapon at your disposal to survive an attack and to escape. This includes weapons you take away from your opponent and use against them, or even a weapon that happens to be within reach when you suddenly find yourself under attack.

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Krav Maga vs. Muay Thai
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

Krav Maga vs. Muay Thai

When looking at Krav Maga vs Muay Thai, there are both similarities and key differences that are immediately apparent. Muay Thai –– also referred to as Thai boxing –– is a popular martial art that relies primarily on striking opponents both at distance and in close quarters. Krav Maga, on the other hand, is a self defense system built on brutal efficiency which borrows techniques from martial arts. Both of these styles have soared in popularity in recent years, and the right choice for your training ultimately depends on your personal goals.

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Why is Self-Defense Training Necessary?
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

Why is Self-Defense Training Necessary?

The importance of self-defense training cannot be overemphasized. There are many reasons why self-defense is important. The world can be a dangerous place. Learning to defend yourself and the people you love from those who would do you harm is an important part of staying safe and being a more confident person.

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