Self-Defense Weapons - The Role of Weapons in Krav Maga
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

Self-Defense Weapons - The Role of Weapons in Krav Maga

Krav Maga is not a martial art, but rather a practical system that prioritizes self-defense over other objectives such as gracefulness or flexibility. That said, one of the key Krav Maga principles is to use any weapon at your disposal to survive an attack and to escape. This includes weapons you take away from your opponent and use against them, or even a weapon that happens to be within reach when you suddenly find yourself under attack.

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Weapons Defenses – What You Need To Know To Save Your Life.
Meredith Kirk Thompson Meredith Kirk Thompson

Weapons Defenses – What You Need To Know To Save Your Life.

Defending against armed attackers and training weapons defenses are a major element of Krav Maga Worldwide self-defense training. Krav Maga Worldwide self-defense is a system that was originally developed for training military units. The need to understand weapons training and defense against armed attackers is in our roots.

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