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  • #68010

    Re: Is our culture forcing a change to how we escalate a fight?

    quote Nixxon:

    Americans are saturated with violence to the point where we just don’t care anymore. How many times do you see a murder on the news and just change the channel? We accept murder as the norm.

    I think a lot has to do with the location of the crime or the repetitiveness of the details. When I hear about yet another murder in the west end, that’s vastly different than if I hear about one in my neighborhood.

    The desensitization comes from the familiarity of the scenario, not the loss of life in my opinion. We as a nation still shudder at the lives lost on 9/11… but another roadside bomb in Iraq plays second fiddle on the news to the latest American Idol winner.

    I don’t really see it as callousness tho. It’s a coping mechanism we have which keeps us from unraveling over time as our psyche is bombarded with the negativity of daily news reports. IMO, the real danger to ourselves begins if we can’t somehow disengage.


    Re: Level 1 Test was Today!!!

    quote vwr32:

    I told unstpabl1 I was gonna lurk for a while because this board had become too sensitive in defending egos…

    Just wanted to retract this comment. Clearly I was wrong. :):



    Re: Level 1 Test was Today!!!

    quote Satilan:

    this thread was not the place and time b/c we need to congratulate Grappler and not take him down

    There are but a few individuals here willing to say what needs to be said, when it needs to be said in my opinion. Without them, the board runs the risk of becoming nothing more than a congratulatory hug-fest in a warm and fuzzy world of unicorns and rainbows. It wasn’t that long ago Ryan was receiving hate-rep points for doing nothing more than posting a link to as a response to a chain email aimed at “protecting women”. I’d much rather see someone’s pride a little bruised than something go unchecked. It was entirely appropriate to address this issue here, and unstpable1 did so without attacking anyone.

    The flip side of the coin tho, is that Satilan is acting in good conscience when he’s trying to intercept someone being “taken down”. I disagree however, that merely addressing the issue when it is brought up is tantamount to letting the air out of someone’s balloon. Would it really be better to say, “hey old grappler, congrats!” in this thread, then start another one where we talk about the subject as if he’s not here? I told unstpabl1 I was gonna lurk for a while because this board had become too sensitive in defending egos… but this topic was just too tempting so I don’t care who’s ego I’m trampling. rofl2

    Getting back to the topic… I have to admit I think I was advanced too soon. I spent a long time in lvl 1, but still didn’t feel confident that I had mastered the movements. To my credit, I had physically trained in class for all of the material on the test… but didn’t feel it was second nature yet. I passed, but in my own opinion I went from being among the best of the worst (noobs), to being the worst of the best (lvl2). It was a little painful to have my instructor recently tell me he didn’t think I’m ready for some more serious sparring in the ring… but he’s right. I bew-hewed a bit, then realized he’s right and have started getting more serious in my home drills.

    Old Grappler, congrats on the promotion. I don’t think for a moment your instructors would pass you if they didn’t think you were ready, so I do put some stock in their judgement. Unstpabl1 has some valid points concerning the issue imo, I’m glad you’re not taking them personally. Not that I need to tell you, just stating the obvious that there’s a lot to be learned other than simply regurgitating technique… such as working safely with your partner and fine tuning motor skills. Bypassing that process is a recipe for injury or maybe instilling a false sense of confidence. I think you have your work cut out for you to cover ground you barely saw in level one, but it sounds like you’re up for the challenge. thumbsup

    Back to lurking. 😎


    Re: Hisardut Dennis Hanover system

    quote :

    The Palmach was established by the British military and Haganah on May 15, 1941 to help the British protect Palestine from the Nazi German threat. They were also to assist British forces with the planned invasion of Syria and Lebanon, then held by Vichy French forces. British experts trained the Palmach special soldiers and equipped them with small arms and explosives. However, after the British victory at El-Alamein in 1942, the British ordered the dismantling of Palmach. Instead the whole organisation went underground.



    Re: Dennis Hanover system

    quote No Mercy:

    This clip is a Hisardut style that we use in our forces with Krav Maga.

    The instructors in this video are the best of the best that we(Israel) have. :abx:

    I wouldn’t think the styles from the two vids you’ve posted are even the same.


    Re: Hisardut Dennis Hanover system

    quote DirtyHippieUte:

    You could make it a career move. I hear there is an opening for a polygamist leader on a ranch somewhere in Texas.

    I’ll see if it’s listed on when I get home. :):

    Back to topic

    I wasn’t crazy about the demo either. I thought a lot of the executions looked like they required a very cooperative partner. Almost like the attacker would freeze until the guy doing the demo finished all the counters. Will watch it again tho when I get to a computer.


    Re: Your favorite website

    There are other sites besides this one? :dunno:

    Sounds like he’s ready for World of Warcraft. thumbsup

    As far as entertainment value, it’s hard to beat YouTube. My entire bookmark lists consists of:

    Not really all that exciting unless he’s into photography. Sorry. :(:

    If he’s wanting to talk to people, maybe direct him towards some of internet chats? Those can be fairly addictive for people new to the net.

    If he finds any cool sites, tell him to post them here lol.


    Re: Hisardut Dennis Hanover system

    quote unstpabl1:

    Oh yeah I found using a girlfriend as a human shield works pretty good to

    Hmm, maybe I’ll suggest to my wife the need for polygamy via the strength thru numbers aspect. Harems are safer… I like it!

    Back to topic… isn’t Hisardut already in America? The site No Mercy listed in the initial post talks about Hisardut USA and lists a US phone number to contact the Hisardut US Headquarters.

    Also, I notice they have the name Hisardut copyrighted. Are they facing the same legal battles KMWW has in the past?


    Re: Hisardut Dennis Hanover system

    quote No Mercy:

    OK ok OK , first of all “Hisardut” is not a new system.

    When you said you hoped Dennis Hanover would open a school in the US, the reference wasn’t to a “newly created” system but to a new to the US system. But if we’re going to split hairs, “new” is a relative term with respect to martial arts. states it was first taught to soldiers in the early 1980’s, but doesn’t list the year it was “created”. The CKM site puts creation date at 1975.

    Come on… that’s pretty new by most definitions in terms of martial arts.

    I did see the Human Weapon episode and have no complaints about the system for what it was intended: militaristic survival. I question the practicality such a system for mainstream America tho: (from their website)

    Wilderness Section:
    *Tying knots, orienteering, hunting, water (finding, digging, extraction & purification), International signaling codes, plant & wildlife recognition, and wilderness psychology. There’s also personal protection section (which seems to encompass the same goals as ours imo), and a “blade fighter” which also seemed to stress surviving an attack in different situations.

    Sounds like a blast as far as the survival training goes, we did a lot of that in the military. If I had the time available, I’d love to be able to go to the woods and practice tying knots and reading a compass but if that’s a part of their curriculum I just don’t think it’s for me. The selling point for getting urban students (targeting population density I’m guessing) relies too heavily on a “perfect storm” scenario for disaster:

    quote :

    In the event of a global or regional disaster, some infrastructure systems may collapse. A combination of power outage, computer, and tracking system failures and bad weather could overwhelm both the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) and public safety services. Utilities, transportation and food supply routes could all be adversely affected. Running for the hills when crisis strikes is not a feasible solution for everyone. Those who live in the city should learn how to survive in the city.


    I just want to walk to my car safer lol.


    quote unstpabl1:

    :dunno:I’m just looking for someone to argue with;):

    So that’s how we get you to come back? rofl2


    Re: Hisardut Dennis Hanover system

    I definitely border on the suspicious side of the issue when it comes to marketing schemes. A new member starting a thread with something like “hey here’s a great new system…” sent up a red flag with me.

    No Mercy, my apology. :):


    Re: Hisardut Dennis Hanover system

    sorry, but based on your comments above I still think it looks like a sales pitch

    No biggie tho :):


    Re: Hisardut Dennis Hanover system

    If Mr Hanover does start a school here, maybe he’ll also start a forum where we can come advertise KMWW. :):


    Re: Stretching DVD?

    quote gwalsh:

    I like his “face the wall” squat at 1:40 to focus on squatting technique.
    I think he lost his accent as he kept talking tho… not sure:


    Re: Worst injuries youve gotten doing Krav Maga

    quote russell:

    most recent is a bruised ego was TOLD to sit out a drill cause i looked pale

    Kudos to your instructor.

    I’ll skip the supplement discussion. thumbsup


    Re: What is usually taught in a basic level 1 class?

    ok :):

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