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    Ok, I hope you guys studied the video links that did work from my post earlier this week. Pop Quiz….what would you do when…..


    Keep in mind….this is an open discussion but lets keep it limited specifically to A) how to handle this situation? B) What did the individual(s) do/did wrong? C) What would you do if you were the …(insert individual in the video here)?

    Any discussions involving self defense techniques are welcome however lets keep it a-typical and not get into right/wrong type discussions (since I have a habit of doing that.) Doesnt matter how the situation happened…it is occuring so now determine Courses of Action (CoA)




    Well the first thing I would have done is gotten up and beaten the piss outta him I have no idea why he just sat there and took a beating.

    Maybe he’s just a docile old man who has no clue how to defend himself. Maybe he feared for his job.

    It seems like he rang some typ of alarm waiting for the police, who should have beaten the shit out of that asshole.

    That dude looked like he got more into it when he realized there would be no counter form the driver.

    Wish it would have been me to be honest.

    Jerkoffs like that need to be taught a lesson.


    I agree with you I couldnt believe he just sat there and took it. And in the true from of agressors the attacker just got meaner when the pacifist didnt respond. Personally there are several metal poles and bars I would have wrapped that guy around. Screw the cops…I will handle it on my own.


    Also curious to know what set the guy off. Maybe a missed stop? Too much stress?

    There are a lot of unknown’s, but I know I would have whipped his ass whether I did something to piss him off or not.


    Now is the guy a scumbag for attacking an unarmed man? Yes, but the driver refusing to even try and protect himself was maddening for me. Stand up! Cover! do something to defend yourself man! So that being said I think we are looking at this video all wrong. I felt like I was watching a guy working out on a heavy bag, so I would rather critic his style. Good slap punches although it is tough to get all your body motion to hit through bars. I was most impressed with the kicks. Getting his leg through the bar first for the vfk to the head and then able to drop the heal down. Nice job!


    Lots of bars there. I like KravRon’s idea of getting the guy tangled up in those. Grab a fist, pull him in, pin him against one of the bars and wait for the cops to arrive.

    Even though the guy deserved it, beating people down in front of a camera can never be good even if you are completely justified.


    Excellent Technique of the attack was something I was hoping someone would bring up. Your right his punches needed some work but I was also impressed with his kicks.

    This guy had to have had some sort of martial arts experience. What I didnt like about the attacker was the hit then wait mentality. If he had wanted to beat the bus driver down and get out of there all he had to do was keep attacking. It seemed to me that he struck, then backed off waiting for a reaction. Once not recieving one he got a little more mean but still struck and retreated.

    Once committed whether your right or wrong get the job done and get out of there. If I were the attacker in this I woulda been long gone before the cops got there. 😈


    Hmmm…work filter blocked due to S-E-X…..I guess ‘sucko’ in the URL did it….*%&%$&#@


    Two words: mob shakedown.


    Things I thought of at various points- whenever he reached under the bar to strike the guy, he could have grabbed his arm and slammed his elbow against the rail. When he was doing those kicks, I saw opportunities to turn around, wrap the arm around the leg, and lean back into an ankle lock/achilles lock. This would keep him away from fist range, and prevent him from kicking. You could also straighten your leg and press against his groin with one leg, to keep him back and hurt him. And cranking back with the forearm against the achilles tendon.
    Kicks while grabbing onto rails, etc can be very powerful, as you can commit more without losing balance. Those thrust kicks and ax kicks looked pretty painful. I don’t know about the MA training though- I’ve never seen the hands in the pockets stance before.


    I could actually watch this one!! 😀

    Too bad we don’t know what the argument was about. Seems like the attacker was really pissed off about something, so he yelled and then there were those sudden bursts of anger, where he just couldn’t control himself and physically attacked the guy, then went back to yelling etc. I don’t know if he had any real intention to beat the guy up at first, he was just really mad, then punched him and since the guy didn’t fight back he got more and more bold and continued hitting him in between the yelling.

    Yeah, looks like the bus driver was waiting for the police. Maybe he didn’t want to escalate by fighting back.

    I liked the ax kicks, they were pretty vicious!


    I don’t claim to know much at all about KM, but the attacker left himself very off balance. Number one, the old man should have made eye contact to see what was coming. Plain and simple. You can’t defend what you can’t see. Two, all of the attacks coming his way were very off balance by the idiot. He was hanging onto the bars in every attack. Those bars could have been very effective in restraining or disabling his arm. Even sitting down, block with your right fore arm, grab with your left hand, and use your leverage to bend his arm back around the bar. When he was getting kicked, he could have grabbed his ankle and pushed back to throw the already off balance attacker on his back, or gave the ankle a twist and pull using his shoulder and both hands … instead of covering the back of his neck. I didn’t think about it until now, but bus drivers have very large mirrors mounted right above them, so he could have seen what was coming even without eye contact, if he held his head up, instead of down.

    Looking at the unconventional, the driver could have lurched forward with the bus, quickly stopped, throwing the standing attacker to the ground or at least very much off balance, and then the driver would have had time to get up and defend himself. The bus was very open in the hallway by the looks of the beginning of the video, also, there were several outs he could have taken depending on how the fight may have gone (hes an old man for crying out loud :P). All in all, it was a difficult position with very little room for movement, but not completely defenseless.

    BTW, great forums, I like the reading and checking out the videos. Helps me bounce a bit knowing what crazy things people do out there 🙂 I just wish there was a place around me that taught KM. 🙁


    I think it was a social issue keeping the driver from attacking. It was like the guy was standing there shaming him. Mob shakedown could be what it was (as was posted earlier).

    Biggest thing that could have been done would simply be to fight back. Of course, the bus driver really walked away unscathed and if he wasn’t trained and tried to counter attack the guy, he could have gotten himself seriously injured.

    And I agree, nice kicks. The hooking slaps to the face looked good too.


    At the very least, covering up the head, which he thought of only belatedly.

    One thing I haven’t seen mentioned yet is that once the guy was on the inside of the bar, and the driver was a little hunched over, that was a good opportunity for grabbing the bully’s balls and giving them a twist. A really hard twist. heh heh Judging from the disparity of strength, training, and position there, the driver’s best bet is to fight dirty. reeeeeeeal dirty. Eye gouges and fishhooks were within range too.


    dude, I cannot believe that just happened! Sorry guys but that guy would’ve gotten off that bus with something broken. The driver’s first mistake was not to recognize a potential threat when he started getting loud. Well hindsight is always 20/20 but personally I would have been of the defensive when that guy started getting loud and obnoxious and waited for the first strike ( I think it was a slap), jerked his sorry butt across those bars and tore him apart with elbows, or joint locks or whatever was availible. That prick would’ve have gotten one heck of a surprise 😈 Anyway people like that are everywhere and they do deserve a royal beating every chance they get.

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