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  • #30948

    I am couple weeks into Krav only and saw this re-run of HMW History and got me in some doubt. I know Krav is a mix of many useful martial arts moves but never heard any came from Pankration, I searched around the net for this Krav move and came out empty, i know the instructor is heavy into wrestling. It may be that this is also a Judo or similar BJJ move, not familiar with either. Krav book is on the way.

    This video shows a move at 1:34min that was 99.5% exactly what we where thought in a grappling session even from the exact same clinch position. Is this an authentic Krav system move? VIDEO!

    Thanks for reading.


    Re: Pankration, Krav?

    Modern pankration is a relatively new sport. No one really knows exactly what the original pankration was like since it hasn’t be practiced in thousands of years. They’ve tried to figure out what it was like from ancient texts, pottery, and scuplture. However, in the end, it’s an educated guess.

    I think they modified moves from existing martial arts to try to mimic what they found in the artwork. Interestingly enough, it’s thought that the ancient Pankration techniques went East with Alexander the Great’s army and may have been the basis for the Eastern Martial Arts. If so, they’ve come full circle, which is pretty cool.

    Also, there’s only so many ways that the human body can move in attacks, or be bent in grappling moves. So, you’re bound to see similar techniques from various martial arts.


    Re: Pankration, Krav?

    It would make sense….

    One claim I heard is that Pankration is THE source for all martial arts, even those from Asia. Silk trade routes and all that it at least fits but only history will now. As for your question….. I don’t know. Work has a 360 proxy block on me and I sense a HR hammer strike if I try and pursue video watching at the work place. 🙁


    Re: Pankration, Krav?

    LOL, it was a forums post double strike

    Man, what is with me and all these Krav Maga analogies?


    Re: Pankration, Krav?

    Modern pankration is just a ruleset very similar to MMA without head contact. I’ve competed in it a while back (didn’t do too well- I don’t grapple enough). People of all backgrounds show up- wrestling, jiujitsu, kickboxing/muay thai, karate, kung fu etc.

    Grappling technique is similar everywhere, and varies mostly based on the ruleset. Collar and elbow tie ups are common all over the world, for example. Holding someone down in a scarf hold is seen in judo, jujutsu, chin na, catch wrestling etc.

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